Here's what I've been up to this month...
• I started teaching another extended studies class at ACAD at the beginning of the month. This class is all about illustration. It's my first time teaching this specific class and I'm loving all the different subject matter that I get to cover. My students seem to be almost as excited as I am about process and the way ideas and images evolve which is so exciting for me. There's nothing like having people respond positively to something you're passionate about. Looks like I'll also be teaching this in the fall if anyone in Calgary wants to learn how to illustrate. I'll post the details when the Extended Studies fall calendar comes out.
• As this is my first spring in the home my husband and I bought last summer, I'm planting my first vegetable garden. I've spent the last little while collecting seeds, doing research, re-building the raised beds and prepping the soil. I just finished planting everything this past weekend. I even bought tomato plants and herbs to transplant - but those aren't going into the garden until the beginning of June.
• I found out a few weeks ago that the picture book I illustrated, Bye, Bye, Butterflies! was nominated for an Information Book Award.
• Here's a little commission I just finished for a local couple:
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