Category: Sketchbook Tuesday

I love to garden. I'm not very good at it, but I find it really enjoyable to putter in the yard. And it's a good way to spend time outside with my son. I have one big flower bed that runs along our fence that is full of different flowers: poppies, peonies, irises, ferns, daisies, purples ones, orange ones, blue ones, white ones and others whose ...
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My baby boy is turning 3 later this week. For the longest time, he would cary little objects around with him, and inevitably get upset when he lost them. Because they were so small, they were pretty hard to keep track of, but I would eventually find them somewhere in our house. Things like the little hat he discovered could be taken off the guy ...
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This sketchbook image was actually a demo that I had done for the illustration class I teach at the Alberta College of Art and Design. Although I don't teach my students how to draw or paint (the expectation is that they're going into the class already knowing how to do this) I do like to do a little demonstration of how I use different media in my ...
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