Last weekend I had a table in the small press section of the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. Although I've been to the con before (years ago when it was quite a bit smaller), this was my first time selling my work there. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the whole thing was a really positive experience.
I sold a lot of prints as well as copies of my book, Bye, Bye, Butterflies! I met a lot of really talented illustrators, comic book artists and other cool people in the industry. And the whole event was really just a lot of fun. The atmosphere was so positive and happy and there were tons of great costumes.
The highlight for me - Wil Wheaton bought one of my prints 🙂
I met so many friendly and talented people at the con that I wanted to take a moment to mention some of them. Check them out:
Mike Bolt, picture book maker
Danielle Corsetto, Girls with Slingshots
Jennie, The Devil's Panties comics
Anthony Del Col, Kill Shakespeare
Scott Hepburn, comic artist extraordinaire
We've already booked our table for next year 🙂
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